118 OEM4 Family Installation and Operation User Manual Rev 12Appendix A Technical SpecificationsINPUT/OUTPUT STROBESMSR (Measure Output) Normally high, active low where the pulse width is 1 ms. The falling edge isthe receiver measurement strobe.Event1 (Mark 1 Input) An input mark for which a pulse greater than 65 ns triggers certain logs to begenerated. (Refer to the MARKPOS and MARKTIME logs and ONMARKtrigger in Volume 2). Polarity is configurable using the MARKCONTROLcommand discussed in Volume 2.Event2 (Mark 2 Input) An input mark for which a pulse greater than 400 ns triggers certain logs tobe generated. (Refer to the MARK2POS and MARK2TIME logs in Volume2). Polarity is configurable using the MARKCONTROL command discussedin Volume 2.PV (Position Valid) Indicates a valid GPS position solution is available. A high level indicates avalid solution or that the FIX POSITION command has been set (refer to theFIX POSITION command in user manual Volume 2).ERROR High level indicates an error.STATUS_RED Status output which is high or pulses to indicate that the OEM4-G2 card isnot working properly.STATUS_GREEN Status output which pulses to indicate that the OEM4-G2 card is workingproperly.PPS (One Pulse PerSecond) A time synchronization output. This is a pulse (1 ms ± 50 ns minimum) wherethe trailing edge is synchronized to receiver calculated GPS time. Thepolarity and period of the pulse can be configured using the PPSCONTROLcommand described in Volume 2.VARF (Variable Frequency) A programmable variable frequency output ranging from 0 -20 MHz (refer tothe FREQUENCYOUT command in Volume 2 of this manual). This is anormally high, active low pulse.RESETOUT Reset TTL signal output to external system; active low, 140 ms duration.RESETIN Reset TTL signal input from external system; active low, > 20 μs durationSTROBE ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSOutput Voltage: LVTTL levelsLow:High:minimum 0 VDC and maximum 0.55 VDC @ 24 mAminimum 2.4 VDC and maximum 3.6 VDC @ 8 mAInput Voltage: LVTTL levelsLow:High:minimum 0 VDC and maximum 0.8 VDCminimum 2.0 VDC and maximum 5.5 VDC