276the switch's internal table has run full, theLLDP frame is counted and discarded.This situation is known as "Too ManyNeighbours" in the LLDP standard. LLDPframes require a new entry in the tablewhen the Chassis ID or Remote Port ID isnot already contained within the table.Entries are removed from the table when agiven port's link is down, an LLDPshutdown frame is received, or when theentry ages out.TLVs Discarded Each LLDP frame can contain multiplepieces of information, known as TLVs (TLVis short for "Type Length Value"). If a TLVis malformed, it is counted and discarded.TLVsUnrecognizedThe number of well-formed TLVs, but withan unknown type value.Org. Discarded The number of organizationally receivedTLVsAge-Outs Each LLDP frame contains informationabout how long time the LLDP informationis valid (age-out time). If no new LLDPframe is received within the age out time,the LLDP information is removed, and theAge-Out counter is incremented.WEB InterfaceA. Click Monitor/LLDP/Port Statistics to displayinformation about LLDP traffics.