230Server counters to be shown in the SelectedCounters table. If no clients are attached, itshows No clients attached.VLAN ID This column holds the VLAN ID that thecorresponding client is currently securedthrough the Port Security module.State The client can either be authenticated orunauthenticated. In the authenticated state,it is allowed to forward frames on the port,and in the unauthenticated state, it isblocked. As long as the backend serverhasn’t successfully authenticated the client,it is unauthenticated. If an authenticationfails for one or the other reason, the clientwill remain in the unauthenticated state forHold Time seconds.LastAuthenticationShows the date and time of the lastauthentication of the client (successful aswell as unsuccessful).WEB InterfaceA. Click Monitor/Security/Network/NAS/Switch todisplay information about Port status forauthentication services.B. Check the “Auto-refresh” to refresh the pageperiodly.Figure