49 ... EnglishUser Controls1. Turn on DHCP to allow the DHCP server to automatically assignan IP, or manually enter the required network information.2. Then choose apply and press ENTER button to complete theconfiguration process.3. Open your web browser and type in from the OSD LAN screenthen the web page will display as below:4. Open “Projector Status and Control” to control your projector.When making a direct connection from your computer to theprojectorStep 1: Find an IP Address (default: from LANfunction of projector. to use web browser to control your projector When you used theprojector IP address,you can not link toyour service server. PJLink: Set a pass-word for PJLink.PJLink is a stan-dardization ofprotocol used forcontrolling projec-tors of differentmanufacturers. Thisstandard protocol isestablished by JapanBusiness Machineand InformationSystem IndustriesAssociation (JBMIA)in 2005.The projectorsupports all thecommands of PJLinkClass 1. AMX BEACON:Turn on or off fordetection from AMXDevice Discoverywhen connecting tothe network sup-ported by AMX'sNetLinx controlsystem. CRESTRON ROOM-VIEW compatibility:The projector sup-ports CRESTRONROOMVIEW, allow-ing multiple devicesconnected in thenetwork to be man-aged and controlledfrom a computer or acontroller.For more informa-tion, visit http://www.crestron.com