52English ...User ControlsLAMP LIFE REMAININGShowing the Lamp life.LAMP HOURS USEDDisplay the projection time.FILTER HOURS USEDDisplay the fi lter used time.ECO MODEChoose “ECO” to dim the projector lamp which will lower powerconsumption and extend the lamp life. Choose “OFF” to return tonormal mode.LAMP LIFE REMINDERChoose this function to show or to hide the warning messagewhen the changing lamp message is displayed.The message will appear when the lamp has reached the end of itslife.FILTER USAGE HOURSDisplay the time preference between displaying the message forcleaning the fi lter. Clean the fi lter when you get the message .When “000[H]” is set, the message will not be displayed.CLEAR LAMP HOURSReset the lamp hour counter after replacing the lamp.CLEAR FILTER HOURSReset the fi lter hour counter after replacing the fi lter.OPTIONS |LAMP/FILTERSETTINGS