E–32[Page2] (Advanced mode) Power Off Confirmation:This option determines whether a confirmation dialog for turn-ing off the projector will appear or not.Keystone Save:This option enables you to save your current keystone settings.Saving your change once affects all sources. The changes aresaved when you turn off the projector.Clear Lamp Hour Meter:Resets the lamp clock back to zero. Pressing this button displaysthe “Are you sure?” confirmation dialog box. To reset the lampusage hour meter, press “OK”.NOTE: The projector will turn off and go into standby mode after 2100hours (up to 3150 hours in Eco mode) of service. If this happens, pressthe “Help” button on the remote control for ten seconds to reset thelamp clock back to zero. Do this only after replacing the lamp.HelpSignal Select:Allows you to choose "RGB" for an RGB source such as a com-puter, or "Component" for a component video source such as aDVD player. Normally select "Auto" and the projector automati-cally detects a component signal. However there may be somecomponent signals that the projector is unable to detect. If this isthe case, select "Component".This feature enables you to select composite video standardsmanually. Normally select "Auto".When you select the video standard for Video and S-Video sepa-rately, first select the radio button and then select the video stan-dard from the pull-down menu.This must be done for Video and S-Video respectively.[Page 3] (Advanced mode)Auto Start:Turns the projector on automatically when the power cable isinserted into an active power outlet. This eliminates the need toalways use the “Power” button on the remote control or projectorcabinet.Power Management:When this option is on and there is no RGB input for five min-utes or more, the projector will automatically turn itself off.NOTE:This feature does not work with Video or S-Video sources.ContentsProvides an online help about how to use the menus. An underlinedlink means that you can move to an adjustment item directly. Select-ing the underlined link and pressing ENTER moves to the correspond-ing adjustment item.InformationDisplays the status of the current signal and lamp usage. This dialogbox has four pages. The information included are as follows:[Page 1]Source NameInput TerminalHorizontal FrequencyVertical FrequencySync Polarity[Page 2]Signal TypeVideo TypeSync TypeInterlaceResolution[Page 3]Aspect RatioGamma CorrectionNoise ReductionColor MatrixMatrix Type[Page 4]Lamp Remaining Time (%)Lamp Hour Meter (H)Projector UsageNOTE:The progress indicator shows the percentage of remainingbulb life.The value informs you of the amount of lamp and projectorusage respectively.