E–9MENUENTER CANCELSELECTPOWERSTATUSON/STAND BYSOURCEAUTO ADJUSTRemote SensorRear/ Side FeaturesRemote SensorRear FootBuilt-in Monaural Speaker (1W)Rear FootLamp CoverLamp Cover ScrewCard Remote SlotSELECTVol.Vol.POINTERPOWERHELPRD-366EPIC.MUTEMAGNIFYSOURCEAUTOADJ.MENUENTERCANCELSlot for Card Remote ControlThe supplied card remote control can be stored in the cabinet.To store the card remote control:1. Insert the card remote control STRAIGHT into the slot.2. Push the card remote control until it is into place.Attaching the lens cap to the lens hood with the sup-plied string and rivet1. Thread the string through the hole on the lens cap and then tie aknot in the string.2. Tie a knot again3. Use the rivet to attach the string to the bottom of the lens hood.Lens CapStringRGBINPUTOUTPUTAUDINOUTPC-CONTROL S-VIDEO VIDBUTPUTAUDINOUTL S-VIDEO VIDTo pull out the card remote control:1. Push the bottom of the card remote control straight to eject thecard remote control.2. Pull out the card remote control.RD-366ENOTE: Do not push or pull the card remote control in a slantingdirection. Unless you push the card remote control straight, you maynot eject the card remote control. Should this happen, try pushing thecard remote control straight again.Rivet