8-9Removing 3.5-inch Hard Disk DriveFollow the procedure below to remove the hard disk.IMPORTANT: Make sure to read "Anti-static Measures" and "Preparing Your System forUpgrade" before starting installing or removing options.13. Disconnect the hard disk from RAID, referring to step 1 in “Restoring RedundantConfiguration Manually” (page 3-6).14. Unlock the front bezel with the security key and open it.Unlock the front bezel with the security key and remove the upper and lower panels.15. Perform the shutdown process from the OS properly.Execute the shutdown process using shutdown command, and then press the POWERswitch to turn off the server.16. Disconnect all the power cords from the poweroutlet.17. Push the lever of the hard disk to unlock thehandle.18. Hold the handle and hard disk to pull them off.19. Install the dummy tray in an empty slot accordingto procedures described in "Installation".Make sure to install the dummy tray in the emptyslot to improve the cooling effect within the device.