6-11RELOCATING/STORING THE NEC Express5800/ft seriesFollow the procedure below to relocate or store the server. (Users should not attempt to remove therack-mountable server from the rack assembly.)WARNINGDo not attempt to remove the server.To avoid the risk of personal injury, users should not attempt to remove theserver from the rack assembly. Removal of the server from the rack assemblyshould be performed by suitably trained maintenance personnel.CAUTIONObserve the following instructions to use the server safely. There are risks of afire, personal injury, or property damage. See PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFETY inChapter 1 for details.• Never attempt to lift the server only by yourself.• Do not install the server in any place other than specified.• Do not connect/disconnect any interface cable with the power cord of theserver plugged to a power source.IMPORTANT: If the server needs to be relocated/stored due to a change in the floor layout to a great extent,contact the sales agent. Make sure to make a backup copy of your valuable data in the hard disk, if any. When moving the server with hard disks, make sure not to give a shock to the hard disks. When storing the server, keep it under storing environment conditions (temperature: -10 to55 °C, humidity: 20 to 80%, non-condensing).157. Take a floppy disk and a CD-ROM out of the server, if any.158. Power off the server.159. Unplug the power cord of the server from a power outlet.160. Remove all the cables from the server.161. Remove all the mounted modules.162. If the server is a rack-mount model, remove the backplane and the rails from the rackcabinet.163. Carry the backplane, rails and modules separately.IMPORTANT: If the server is a tower model, do not hold the front bezel to lift it.The front bezel may get detached and fall off from the server, causing damage to theserver.