7-31LAN cards which are not used (LAN cables are not connected) appears to be in errorstatus:→ The system judges that ports are out of order when LAN cards in the ports areconnected to the server but are not used (or their cables are not connected).Therefore, Ethernet board status on the NEC ESMPRO Manager’s Data Viewer([FTServer] – [PCI Module] – [Ethernet adapter]) is red (error) and the serverstatus on the Operation Window of NEC ESMPRO Manager is also red (error). Toprevent such misjudgment, connect unused LAN cards to each other by crossLAN cables.Event Log“I/O error” is recorded in the log at OS startupThe following message may be displayed on the screen or recorded in the log if a USB floppy diskdrive is connected at OS startup. However, this will not impact operations (in the description below,* represents an alphanumeric character).Partition Check:sdg:<6> I/O error: dev **:**, Command ********, sector 0I/O error : dev **:**, Command ********, sector 0unable to read partition tableESMCpuPerf-related logs are recorded in the system event log:→ If NEC ESMPRO Agent cannot get performance information from the OS due toa temporary resource shortage or high load ratio on the system, it will record thefollowing event log. However, the operations are not affected (in the description,Y and X represent alphanumeric characters. YYYY may not be obtained).Source: ESMCpuPerfEvent ID: 9005Description: Cannot get system performance information now (YYYYCode=xxxx).If NEC ESMPRO Agent cannot get information, it will treat the load ratio as 0%.So, if NEC ESMPRO Agent cannot get information continuously, the CPU loadratio may appear lower than the actual value.EvntAgnt log is recorded in the application event log:→ This event does not have any influence on the system, not on SNMP services.Thus no measurement is required.Source: EvntAgntID: 1003Description: TraceFileName parameter not located in registry; Default trace fileused is .Source: EvntAgntID: 1015Description: TraceLevel parameter not located in registry; Default trace level