Ice Machine Operation Section 33-4 Part Number 000000966 03/09SAFETY TIMERSThe control board has the following non-adjustablesafety timers:• The ice machine is locked into the freeze cycle for 6minutes before a harvest cycle can be initiated.Freeze lock is bypassed after moving the toggleswitch from OFF to ICE position for the first cycleonly.• The maximum freeze time is 60 minutes at whichtime the control board automatically initiates aharvest sequence (steps 5 & 6).• The maximum harvest time is 3.5 minutes for singleevaporators and 7 minutes for multiple evaporatormodel. The control board automatically initiates afreeze sequence (steps 3 & 4) when these times areexceeded.SAFETY LIMITSSafety limits are stored and indicated by the controlboard after three cycles. The number of cycles requiredto stop the ice machine varies for each safety limit.• Safety Limit 1 - If the freeze time reaches 60 minutes,the control board automatically initiates a harvestcycle. If 6 consecutive 60-minute freeze cycles occur,the ice machine stops• Safety Limit 2 single evaporator models - If theharvest time reaches 3.5 minutes, the control boardautomatically returns the ice machine to the freezecycle. If threeIf 500 consecutive 3.5 minute harvestcycles occur, the ice machine stops.• Safety Limit 2 multiple evaporator models - If theharvest time reaches 7 minutes, the control boardautomatically returns the ice machine to the freezecycle. If 500 consecutive 7 minute harvest cyclesoccur, the ice machine stops.• Safety Limit 3 multiple evaporator models - If the lowrefrigerant pressure control opens, the ice machineshuts off and starts a 5 minute delay period. If 3consecutive low pressure events occur the icemachine stops and flashes the safety/harvest light.Use the following procedures to determine if the controlboard contains a safety limit indication.1. Move the toggle switch to OFF.2. Move the toggle switch back to ICE. Watch thesafety limit lights on the control board. If a safetylimit has been recorded, the corresponding light willblink once, twice or three times to indicate whichsafety limit stopped the ice machine.WARM WATER RINSE CYCLESingle evaporator models only - Closing the back of theevaporator allows ice to build up on the rear of theevaporator and the plastic evaporator frame parts. After200 freeze/harvest cycles have been completed thecontrol board will initiate a warm water rinse.After the 200th harvest cycle ends:• The Clean and Harvest LED’s energize to indicatethe ice machine is in a warm water rinse.• The compressor and harvest valve remainenergized.• The water pump energizes.• The water inlet valve energizes until water contactsthe water level probe.• The compressor and harvest valve warm the waterfor 5 minutes, then de-energize.• The water pump remains energized for an additional5 minutes (10 minute total on time) then de-energizes.NOTE: The warm water rinse cycle can be terminated bymoving the toggle switch to the OFF position, then back to ICE.