Section 2 Installation InstructionsPart Number 000000966 03/09 2-21Remote Ice Machine Usage with Non-Manitowoc Multi-Circuit CondensersWARRANTYThe sixty (60) month compressor warranty, includingthirty six (36) month labor replacement warranty, shallnot apply when the remote ice machine is not installedwithin the remote specifications. The foregoing warrantyshall not apply to any ice machine installed and/ormaintained inconsistent with the technical instructionsprovided by Manitowoc Ice, Inc. Performance may varyfrom Sales specifications. S-Model ARI certifiedstandard ratings only apply when used with a Manitowocremote condenser.If the design of the condenser meets the specifications,Manitowoc’s only approval is for full warranty coverageto be extended to the Manitowoc manufactured part ofthe system. Since Manitowoc does not test thecondenser in conjunction with the ice machine,Manitowoc will not endorse, recommend, or approve thecondenser, and will not be responsible for itsperformance or reliability.HEAD PRESSURE CONTROL VALVEAny remote condenser connected to a Manitowoc S-Model Ice Machine must have a head pressure controlvalve #836809-3 (available from Manitowoc Distributors)installed on the condenser package. Manitowoc will notaccept substitute “off the shelf” head pressure controlvalves.FAN MOTORThe condenser fan must be on during the complete icemachine freeze cycle (do not cycle on fan cycle control).The ice maker has a condenser fan motor circuit for usewith a Manitowoc condenser. It is recommended that thiscircuit be used to control the condenser fan(s) on themulti-circuit condenser to assure it is on at the propertime. Do not exceed the rated amps for the fan motorcircuit listed on the ice machine’s serial tag.INTERNAL CONDENSER VOLUMEThe multi-circuit condenser internal volume must not beless than or exceed that used by Manitowoc (see charton next page). Do not exceed internal volume and tryto add charge to compensate, as compressor failurewill result.CONDENSER TT is the difference in temperature between thecondensing refrigerant and entering air. The T shouldbe 15 to 20°F (-9.4 to -6.6°C) at the beginning of thefreeze cycle (peak load conditions) and drop down to 12to 17°F (-11.1 to -8.3°C) during the last 75% of thefreeze cycle (average load conditions).REFRIGERANT CHARGERemote ice machines have the serial plate refrigerantcharge (total system charge) located in the ice makersection. (Remote condensers and line sets are suppliedwith only a vapor charge.)QUICK CONNECT FITTINGSThe ice machine and line sets come with quick connectfittings. It is recommended that matching quick connects(available through Manitowoc Distributors) be installed inthe multi-circuit condenser, and that a vapor “holding”charge (5 oz.) of proper refrigerant be added to thecondenser prior to connection of the ice machine or lineset to the condenser.ImportantManitowoc warrants only complete new and unusedremote packages. Guaranteeing the integrity of anew ice machine under the terms of our warrantyprohibits the use of pre-existing (used) tubing orcondensers.! CautionDo not use a fan cycling control to try to maintaindischarge pressure. Compressor failure will result.! CautionNever add more than nameplate charge to icemachine for any application.