Part Number STH044 10/13 15Electrical ServiceGeneralVoltageThe maximum allowable voltage variation is ± 10% ofthe rated voltage on the ice machine model/serialnumber plate at start-up (when the electrical load ishighest).Fuse/Circuit BreakerA separate fuse/circuit breaker must be provided foreach ice machine. Circuit breakers must be H.A.C.R.rated (does not apply in Canada).CIRCUIT AMPACITYThe minimum circuit ampacity is used to help selectthe wire size of the electrical supply. (Minimum circuitampacity is not the ice machine’s running amp load.)The wire size (or gauge) is also dependent uponlocation, materials used, length of run, etc., so it mustbe determined by a qualified electrician.! WarningAll wiring must conform to local, state and nationalcodes.! WarningThe ice machine must be grounded in accordancewith national and local electrical codes.Self Contained Air-CooledIceMachineVoltagePhase CycleMax. Fuse/CircuitBreakerTotalAmpsRNS012RNS020115/1/60 15 10.3230/1/50 15 4.6