G ROUP ADMINISTRATOR SECTION CHAPTER 1: POLICY SCREENM86 S ECURITY USER G UIDE 383• Member IP address and netmask or IP address range,and MAC Address(es) if using the mobile mode.NOTE: See Appendix D: Mobile Client for information on usingthe mobile mode.Add IP Sub-Group DetailsIf the sub-group was not previously defined, the fields in theIP Address frame and the Apply button remain activated.Fig. 3:1-31 Sub Group (IP Group) window, fields activated1. In the IP Address frame, click the appropriate radiobutton corresponding to the type of Member IP addressrange to be entered: IP address with netmask, or IPaddress range.TIP: Use the IP Range pull-down menu to view the IPaddress(es) that can be entered in these fields.2. Corresponding to the selected radio button:• enter the IP address and specify the netmask, or• enter the IP address range in the text boxes.