GLOBAL ADMINISTRATOR SECTION CHAPTER 1: SYSTEM SCREEN222 M86 S ECURITY USER G UIDEConfigure Quota Hit Settings1. Enter the number of Seconds Per Hit to indicate howmuch time will be applied towards a “hit” (URL access) inany category with a quota. The default is 10 seconds perhit. The entry in this field combines with the minutesentered in the quota from the filtering profile to determinethe amount of time the end user can access URLs in thespecified passed library group/category in that profile.A quota can be set for an amount of time ranging fromone minute to 1439 minutes (one day minus one minute).A hit can be set for an amount of time ranging from onesecond to 3600 seconds (one hour).As an example of how a quota works in conjunction withhits, if a quota is set to 10 minutes and the number ofseconds per hit is set to 10 seconds, then the user will beblocked from accessing URLs in the library group/cate-gory when 60 hits are made to that category—i.e. 600seconds (10 minutes) divided by 10 seconds.NOTE: This field is greyed-out if the Web Filter is set up as atarget server in the synchronization mode.2. If this Web Filter is set up with synchronization and is asource server, enable Centralize Hits on Source only ifall hits should be made on this Web Filter.NOTE: This field is greyed-out on a Web Filter set up as either astandalone server or as target server in the synchronizationmode.TIP: After making all configuration settings in this window duringthis session, click Apply.