GLOBAL ADMINISTRATOR SECTION CHAPTER 1: SYSTEM SCREEN172 M86 S ECURITY USER G UIDEAccess Server or proxy server) that sends accountingrequest packets to the external Radius accounting server.Enable RadiusThe Radius Mode is “Off” by default. To use Radius, clickthe “On” radio button. This action displays the RadiusAuthentication Settings frame.Specify Radius Authentication Settings1. In the Radius Server field, displays by default.Enter the IP address of the Radius accounting server.2. In the Radius Port number field, 1813 displays bydefault. Change this number only if the Radiusaccounting server uses a different port number.3. In the Byte Order Mode field, specify the format in whichbytes will be transferred:• Click the radio button corresponding to Network ByteOrder to transfer the most significant byte first.• Click the radio button corresponding to Host ByteOrder to use the byte order stored in the server (bigendian or little endian order).NOTE: The byte order should match the setting on the Radiusaccounting server.4. In the Forward Mode field, specify whether accountingrequest packets will be delivered from the client (NAS orproxy server) to the Radius accounting server.To enable the Forward Mode option:• Click the “On” radio button. The NAS will forwardaccounting request packets to the Radius accountingserver.