GLOBAL ADMINISTRATOR SECTION CHAPTER 1: SYSTEM SCREENM86 S ECURITY USER G UIDE 89Specify LAN Settings1. In the Host Name field, enter up to 50 alphanumericcharacters for the name of the host for this server, suchas Specify the following information, as necessary:• In the LAN1 IP field of the IP/Mask Setting frame, thedefault LAN 1 IP address is Enter the IPaddress and select the corresponding subnet mask ofthe LAN1 network interface card to be used on thenetwork.• In the LAN2 IP field, the default LAN 2 IP address is1.2.3.4. Enter the IP address and select the corre-sponding subnet mask of the LAN2 network interfacecard to be used on the network.TIP: Be sure to place the LAN1 and LAN2 IP addresses indifferent subnets.• In the Primary IP field of the DNS frame, the default IPaddress is Enter the IP address of the firstDNS server to be used for resolving the IP address ofthe authentication server with the machine name ofthat server.• In the Secondary IP field of the DNS frame, the defaultIP address is Enter the IP address of thesecond DNS server to be used for resolving the IPaddress of the authentication server with the machinename of that server.• In the Gateway IP field of the Gateway frame, thedefault IP address is Enter the IP address ofthe default router to be used for the entire networksegment.3. Click Apply to apply your settings.NOTE: Whenever modifications are made in this window, theserver must be restarted in order for the changes to take effect.