GLOBAL ADMINISTRATOR SECTION CHAPTER 1: SYSTEM SCREEN110 M86 S ECURITY USER G UIDECurrent memory usageWhen Current Memory Usage is selected and Execute isclicked, the pop-up window shows the amount of memorybeing used, and the amount of memory available for threeintervals of one second each.CPU usageThe CPU Usage diagnostic tool shows information on diskusage. When Execute is clicked, the pop-up window showsthe average CPU usage, as well as the usage by device andfile system/partition.System performanceThe System Performance diagnostic tool shows informationon resources being used. When Execute is clicked, thepop-up window shows averages on various statistics. Theseresults can be stored in a compact binary format and thenviewed at later date, so that if you discover a system orapplication problem occurred, you can analyze systemactivity during that time period. With this data, you canspecify start and end times for reporting on that data, andcalculate average usage for periods of time when perfor-mance is most critical or during normal user hours.Recent loginsThe Recent Logins diagnostic tool is used for showing infor-mation on administrator login activity. When Execute isclicked, the pop-up window displays a row of data for eachtime an administrator logged on the Web Filter.