GLOBAL ADMINISTRATOR SECTION CHAPTER 1: SYSTEM SCREENM86 S ECURITY USER G UIDE 211• In the Link Text field, enter text for the link's URL, andin the Link URL field, enter the corresponding hyper-link in plain text using the http:// or https:// syntax.Any entries made in these fields will display centered inthe customized quota block page, using the Arial fonttype.2. Click Apply.TIP: Click Restore Default and then click Apply to revert to thedefault settings in this window.Preview Sample Quota Block Page1. Click Preview to launch a separate browser windowcontaining a sample customized quota block page,based on entries saved in this window and in theCommon Customization window:Fig. 2:1-82 Sample Customized Quota Block PageBy default, the following data displays in the Categoryframe:• Category field - The name of the library category thatblocked the user from accessing the URL displays.