GLOBAL ADMINISTRATOR SECTION CHAPTER 3: LIBRARY SCREEN304 M86 S ECURITY USER G UIDETIP: Multiple URLs can be selected by clicking each URL whilepressing the Ctrl key on your keyboard. Blocks of URLs can beselected by clicking the first URL, and then pressing the Shift keyon your keyboard while clicking the last URL.4. Click Apply Action.Add a Wildcard URL to the Library CategoryNOTE: Wildcards are to be used for blocking only. They are notdesigned to be used for the always allowed white listing function.To add a URL containing a wildcard to the library category:1. In the Edit WildCard URL List frame, enter the asterisk (*)wildcard symbol, a period (.), and the URL.TIP: The minimum number of levels that can be entered is three(e.g. * and the maximum number of levels is six (e.g.* Click Add to display the associated wildcard URL(s) inthe list box below.3. Select the wildcard URL(s) that you wish to add to thecategory.4. Click Apply Action.NOTE: Wildcard URL query results include all URLs containingtext following the period (.) after the wildcard (*) symbol. Forexample, an entry of * would find a URL such as However, if a specific URL was addedto a library category that is not set up to be blocked, and a sepa-rate wildcard entry containing a portion of that URL is added to acategory that is set up to be blocked, the end user will be able toaccess the non-blocked URL but not any URLs containing textfollowing the wildcard. For example, if isadded to a category that is not set up to be blocked, and* is added to a category set up to be blocked, the enduser will be able to access since it is a directmatch, but will not be able to access,since direct URL entries take precedence over wildcard entries.