3-1GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER (GFCI)PRODUCT OPERATIONThe dishwasher is provided with a GroundFault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI). It is a built-insafety feature designed to protect against thedangers of line-to-ground electrical faults. If afault of this type develops, the GFCI will discon-nect the power to the dishwasher. The GFCIshould be tested once a month.To do this test, perform the following steps:1. Press the “Test” button. The LED indicatorshould be “OFF” (not visible in the win-dow).2. Press the “Reset” button. The LED indica-tor should be “ON” (visible in the window).IMPORTANT: Do not use the dishwasher if theGFCI test fails. Call the KitchenAid CustomerInteraction Center number at:1-800-422-1230.Reset TestPRESSURE SWITCHA pressure switch is used to fill the dishwasherwith approximately 3.1 liters or 3/4 gallon perfill. A second switch in the pressure switchprotects against an overfill condition.The sensing tubing for the pressure switch isrouted from the sump air dome to the pressureswitch. A protective cover is provided for thepressure switch tubing at the sump to preventforeign materials from entering the tubing. Thetubing is also routed to one of the air gaps andback to the switch, providing protection againstsuds forming in the tubing and filling it. Shouldthe tubing become filled with suds, the pres-sure switch would be unable to sense waterlevels. By keeping the pressure switch tubinghigher than the water level in the dishwasher,any suds buildup can drain back into the tank.Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)Pressure Switch