2-6Installing The DishwasherExcessive Weight HazardUse two or more people to move andinstall dishwasher.Failure to do so can result in back or otherinjury.WARNINGDIRECT WIRE METHODIf the dishwasher must be directly wired tomeet local codes, the power supply cord mustbe removed, and the dishwasher wired di-rectly. Electrical connections must be con-tained within the terminal box, and meet allnational and local codes and ordinances.IF THE POWER SUPPLY CORD IS REMOVED,THE DISHWASHER MUST BE CONNECTEDWITH COPPER WIRE ONLY.Route the direct wire so that it does not touchthe lower part of the dishwasher tub.If you are not using the “Direct Wire Method,”proceed to “Mounting The Dishwasher” onpage 2-8.Electrical Shock HazardDisconnect electrical power at the fusebox or circuit breaker box before install-ing dishwasher.Failure to do so can result in death orelectrical shock.WARNING1. Lay the dishwasher on its back.2. Remove the two screws from each side ofthe front panel, and the one screw abovethe ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI),and remove the front panel.ScrewsGFCIScrewFront Panel3. Remove the terminal box screw and re-move the terminal box.Do Not RemoveThis GrommetTerminalBox ScrewTerminalBox4. Remove the power cord green groundwire from under the green ground screw.5. Remove the twist-on connectors and dis-connect the black and white wires.Green GroundScrewGreen GroundWirePower Cord