1 Calibration Procedures26 Keysight U1281A/U1282A Service GuideCalibration Process1 Prior to performing the verification tests, see the “Test Considerations” onpage 26.2 Perform the verification tests to characterize the multimeter; see “PerformanceVerification Tests” on page 27.3 Unsecure the multimeter for calibration; see “Calibration Security” on page 37.4 Prior to performing the adjustments, see the “Adjustment considerations” onpage 45.5 Perform the adjustment procedure; see “Adjustment procedure” on page 53.6 Secure the multimeter against unauthorized calibration; see “Exiting theadjustment mode” on page 54. Ensure that the multimeter has quit theadjustment mode and is turned off.7 Record the new security code and calibration.Test ConsiderationsFor optimum performance, all procedures should comply with the followingrecommendations:– The performance verification test or adjustment should be performed underlaboratory conditions where the ambient temperature can be controlled.– The multimeter should be put under the laboratory environment for at least 1hour.– Ensure that the calibration ambient temperature is stable and is between 18 °Cand 28 °C. Ideally the calibration should be performed at 23 °C ± 1 °C.– Ensure that the ambient relative humidity is less than 80%.– Allow a warm-up period of 5 minutes.– Use a shielded twisted pair of PTFE-insulated cables to reduce settling andnoise errors. Keep the input cables as short as possible. Long test leads canalso act as antennas which may pick up AC signals.– Connect the input cable shields to earth ground.