Page 13Find us at www.keysight.comPNA-X Series Test Set and Power Configuration Options 1 (Continued)4-ports, dual sources, with extended powerrange, combiner, and mechanical switches(Option 422)Along with two sources and the access loops and attenuatorsof Option 417, Option 422 includes a combiner, mechanicalswitches, and more access loops. The internal second sourceprovides an additional signal (fixed or swept) for two-toneintermodulation testing of amplifiers, or for use as a localoscillator for testing mixers and frequency converters. Themechanical switches switch the combiner in and out as needed,as well as enabling the additional access loops for advancedconfigurations. The second source drives ports 3 and 4, and isalso available from port 1 when combined with source 1, or viarear-panel access loops. The maximum power rating on the testport couplers is +43 dBm (additional attenuators or isolatorsare typically required to protect other components inside theinstrument). Option 422 is not available on the N5247B. Toindependently control the frequency of the second internalsource, one of the following software applications is required:S93080/029/082/083/084/86/087/089/090x/093/094B/A orS94510/511A.Test port 3CR3Test port 1R1Test port 4R4Test port 2R2A D BTo receiversLOPulse generatorsRear panel1234Source 1OUT 1 OUT 2PulsemodulatorSource 2(standard)OUT 1 OUT 2PulsemodulatorJ9J10J11 J8 J7 J2 J1J4 J335 dB 35 dB 35 dB35 dB65 dB 65 dB 65 dB 65 dBJ6 J5RFOUTLOOUT R A B C DIF inputs1. The block diagrams shown above include hardware that must be orderedas separate options, such as pulse modulators (Options 021 and 022),and IF access (Option 020), or is controlled by application software, asis the case for the pulse generators. In addition, the combiner type andattenuator values vary by model number. Refer to the product data sheetfor the correct block diagram for a specific model.4-ports, dual sources, with extended power rangeand bias-tees (Option 419)This configuration comes with two sources, front-panel accessloops, and bias tees and source and receiver attenuators ateach port. The source attenuators are settable in 5 dB stepsup to 65 dB in N5241/42/49B, in 10 dB steps up to 60 dBin N5244/45B, and in 10 dB steps up to 50 dB in N5247B.The receiver attenuators are settable in 5 dB steps up to35 dB in N5241/42/44/45/49B, and 10 dB steps up to 50 dB inN5247B. The bias tees are connected directly to the test portcouplers, which limits the maximum power rating on the pairto +30 dBm (additional attenuators or isolators are typicallyrequired to protect other components inside the instrument).To independently control the frequency of the second internalsource, one of the following software applications is required:S93080/029/082/083/084/086/087/089/090x/093/094B/A orS94510/511A.Test port 3CR3Test port 1R1Test port 4R4Test port 2R235 dB65 dB35 dB65 dB 65 dB 35 dB65 dBA35 dBD BSource 2OUT 1 OUT 2PulsemodulatorSource 1OUT 1 OUT 2PulsemodulatorPulse generatorsTo receiversLOR A B C DIF inputsRear panel