31234596(ILLUMINATION)(PARKING BRAKE)32871C DA B *1*1ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSBefore connecting...Check the wiring in the car carefully. Incorrect connection maycause serious damage to the units. The leads of the powercord and those of the connector from the car body may bedifferent in color.1 Connect the colored leads of the power cord in the orderspecified in the illustration below.2 Connect the antenna cord.3 Connect the wiring harness to the main unit.°“√‡™◊ËÕ¡‚¥¬„™È ‰øøÈ“°ËÕo∑”°“쇙oËÕ¡μËÕ...μ•«®†Õ•°“•‡¥‘•†“¬‰ø„•••¬•μÏլ˓ߕ–¡—¥•–«Õ¬Ë“„ÀȺ‘¥æ•“¥„•°“•‡™•ËÕ¡μËÕ™ÿ¥ª•–°Õ•™ÿ¥•’°“•‡™•ËÕ¡μËÕº‘¥æ•“¥Õ“®∑”„Àȇ°‘¥§«“¡‡’¬À“¬•È“¬·•ß°—•™ÿ¥ª•– °Õ••’ȉ¥È“•μ–°—Ë«¢Õ߆“¬‰ø ·•–¢ÕßÕÿª°••ÏμËÕ‡™•ËÕ¡®“°μ—«• ß••Õ“®¡’ ∑’ˉ¡Ë‡À¡•Õ•°—•1 μËÕ “¬‰ø ’ μ“¡≈”¥—∫∑’Ë√–∫ÿ„π√Ÿª¥È“π≈“ß2 ‡™◊ËÕ¡μËÕ°—∫“¬Õ“°“»3 μËÕ Ë «π§«∫§ÿ¡°“√‡¥‘𠓬‰ø‡¢È“°—∫μ—«‡§√◊ËÕß ! KKK !"#$%&'()*+%,&-./012345( !" #$%!&'(" )*+,-./01231 !"#$%&'()*+,-./+02 !" #$%&'3 !"#$%&Left speaker (rear) !=EF≈”‚æß´È“¬ (À≈—ß)Right speaker (front) !=EF≈”‚æߢ«“ (ÀπÈ“)Left speaker (front) !=EF≈”‚æß´È“¬ (ÀπÈ“)Right speaker (rear) !=EF≈”‚æߢ«“ (À≈—ß)* 2 Before checking the operation of this unit priorto installation, this lead must be connected,otherwise power cannot be turned on.* 2 !"#$%&'()*+,-.$ !"#$%&'()*+,-./* 2 °ËÕπ°“√μ√«® Õ∫°“√∑”ß“π¢Õß™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È°ËÕπ∑’Ë®–μ‘¥μ—ÈßμÈÕßμËÕ “¬μ–°—Ë«π’È°ËÕπ ¡‘©–π—Èπ®–‰¡Ë “¡“√∂‡ª‘¥‡§√◊ËÕ߉¥È15 A fuse15 A=øî« Ï ¢π“¥ 15 AYellow*2*2’’‡À≈◊Õß*2Blue»’øÈ“Red’’·¥ßOrange with white stripe !"#$’È¡·∂∫¢“«To cellular phone system !"#$%&μËÕ°—∫‚∑√»—æ∑χ§≈◊ËÕπ∑To car light control switch !""#$%&'«‘μ´Ï§«∫§ÿ¡‰ø¢Õß√∂¬πμ√ÏFuse block !"·ºßøî«To a live terminal in the fuse block connecting to the car battery(bypassing the ignition switch) !"#$%&'()*+ !"#$,-./012 !"#$%&'μμËÕ°—∫¢—È«∑’Ë¡’°√–·‰øøÈ“„π·ºßø‘«Ï ´÷ËßμËÕ°—∫·∫μ‡μÕ√’Ë√∂¬πμ(‚¥¬‰¡ËμÈÕß„™È« ‘ ∑™Ï®ÿ¥√–‡∫‘¥)To metallic body or chassis of the car !"#$%&'μËÕ°—∫‚§√ß‚≈À–À√◊Õ‡™´ ‘ ¢Õß√∂¬πμúBlack’¥”Ignition switch !«‘∑™Ï®ÿ¥√–‡∫‘¥To an accessory terminal in the fuse block !"#$%&'()*μËÕ°—∫¢—È« Ë «πª√–°Õ∫„π·ºßøî«Gray with black stripe !"#$’‡∑“·∂∫¥”White’¢“«White with black stripe !"#$’¢“«·∂∫¥”Green with black stripe !"#$’’‡¢’¬«·∂∫¥”Gray’‡∑“Green’‡¢’¬«Purple with black stripe !"#$¡Ë«ß·∂∫¥”Purple’¡Ë«ßRear ground terminal !"#$%®ÿ¥‡™◊ËÕ¡μËÕ “¬¥‘π¥“πÀ≈—ßTo the remote lead of other equipment (200 mA max.) !"#$%&'()*= 200 mA•ËÕ‡¢È“°—∫Õª°√≥ÏÕË◊π (¢π“¥ Ÿ ß ¸ ¥ 200 mA)Light green’’‡¢’¬«ÕËÕπ*1*1Brown’’πÈ”μ“≈Crimp !"¢—È«μËÕTo parking brake of the car (see “Connecting theparking brake wire” on the reverse page) !"#$"%&'()*+,-#. / !"μËÕ°—∫‡∫√°¡◊Õ (¥Ÿ “μËÕ “¬‡∫√°¡◊Õ” „πÀπÈ“μ√ߢȓ¡)See pages 4 to 6. 46¥ŸÀπÈ“ 4 ∂÷ß 6To antenna !"μËÕ°—∫ “¬Õ“°“»Blue with white stripe !"#$πÈ”‡ß‘π≈“¬¢“«To automatic antenna if any (250 mA max.) !"#= !"#= =250 mA‡ “Õ“°“»‰øøÈ“Õ—•‚π¡——•‘ À“°¡’ (¢π“¥Ÿß ¸ ¥ 250 mA)Fanæ—¥≈¡*1 Not included with this unit*1 !"#*1 ¡‘‰¥È√«¡¡“°—∫™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È