4IntroductionThe numbers refer to the pages in which the partsare explained.There are some differences between DD-8/DD-3and DD-1 in the locations of the remote controlbuttons as shown below.• If the effective range of the remote controldecreases, replace both batteries.■ CAUTION• Do not expose batteries to heat or flame.Point the remote control directly at thefront of the main unit.• Do not block the remote control sensor on themain unit.• Use the remote control at a position higher thanthe main unit.DD-8/DD-3 DD-1*1Refer to the separatevolume of the opera-tion manual for thenetwork function.Refer to page 19.*2Refer to page 19.No buttonInserting the batteries into theremote controlR6P (SUM-3)/AA (15F) type dry-cellbatteries (supplied)Operating the system from theremote controlUsing the remote control