Setting up your TV9ENGLISHT-V LINK FUNCTIONSWhen a T-V LINK compatible VCR isconnected to the EXT-2 Terminal on the TV,it is easier to set up the VCR and to viewvideos. T-V LINK uses the followingfeatures:To use T-V LINK functions:A T-V LINK compatible VCR is necessary.The VCR must be connected to the EXT-2terminal on the TV by a fully wired SCARTcable.A “T-V LINK compatible VCR” means aJVC VCR with the T-V LINK logo or a VCRwith one of the following logos. However,these VCRs may support some or all of thefeatures described below. For details, refer toyour VCR instruction manual.“Q-LINK” (a trademark of PanasonicCorporation)“Data Logic” (a trademark of MetzCorporation)“Easy Link” (a trademark of PhillipsCorporation)“Megalogic” (a trademark of GrundigCorporation)“SMARTLINK” (a trademark of SonyCorporation) Pre-set DownloadDownload the registered data on the TVchannels from the TV to the VCR.The Preset Download function automaticallybegins when the initial setting is complete orwhenever the AUTO PROGRAM or EDIT/MANUAL operations are performed.• This function can be operated via VCRoperation.When “FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE” isdisplayed:If “FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE” isdisplayed, the download was not performedcorrectly. Before trying to download again,ensure the following:• The VCR power is turned on.• The VCR is T-V LINK compatible.• The VCR is connected to the EXT-2terminal.• The SCART cable is fully wired. Direct Rec“What You See Is What You Record”You can record to VCR the images that youare currently viewing on TV by a simpleoperation. For details, read the manual foryour VCR. Operate via the VCR. “VCR ISRECORDING” is displayed.In the following conditions, the VCRwill stop recording if the TV is turnedoff, if the TV channel or input isswitched, or if the menu is displayedon the TV:• When recording images from an externaldevice connected to the TV.• When recording a TV channel after it hasbeen unscrambled on a decoder.• When recording a TV channel by usingthe TV’s output because that TV channelcannot be properly received on the VCR’stuner.• When the VCR is not ready (for example,when there is no tape inserted), “NORECORDING” is displayed.• Operation via the TV is not possible.• Generally, the VCR cannot record a TVchannel that cannot be received properlyby the VCR’s tuner, even though you canview that TV channel on the TV.However, some VCRs can record a TVchannel by using the TV’s output if thatchannel can be viewed on the TV, eventhough the TV channel cannot be receivedproperly by the VCR’s tuner. For details,refer to your VCR instruction manual.