8010.2REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS1 2Remove Clutch Gear Shafts1� Start by remove the bearings onboth idler gear shafts (nr�3) byinsert a bolt on the shaft as anextender�2� Use a universal bearing puller toremove the bearings on idler gearshafts (nr�3)�3� Pull the center bearing (nr�2) offwith a universal bearing puller�4� Remove the two clutch gear shafts(nr�1) assembled with the bearingwith special Tool nr: 584 39 99-01�First see: Disassemble Arm (p.79)WS 440 does not have the two Idlergear shafts (Nr�1 in orientationpicture) because it doesn’t have a gearselector�Orientation Picture of the shafts:1� Clutch gear chafts2� Center gear shaft3� Idler gear chafts3 4 WS482 andWS442WS482 andWS442WS482 andWS442WS482 andWS442WS482 andWS442