11143REPAIR INSTRUCTIONSDismantle theInverter Board1� Unscrew the 3 wire connections tothe blade motor�2� Unscrew the 4 screws on thebottom of the Power Pack�3� Drill a 5 mm hole in the chassisend, underneath the watercoupling outlet� Right in front ofthe lower bolt that holds the watervalve to the radiator, to be able toremove the screw�Note! Plug the hole when the newinverter board is mounted with aM6 bolt� Use silicone on the treadto be sure it is waterproof�4� Unscrew the water valve bolts� Usea long 4mm hex key through thedrilled hole to remove the lowerbolt� Unscrew the ground cable�See first: Opening the PP 490(p. 124), Replacing the MainContactor (p. 134), Replacingthe Transformer (p. 135),Remove the WS contactor (p.136), Remove 15A fuse boxes(p. 137), Remove the PrimeContactor (p. 138), RemoveDIN-rail bracket (p. 138),Replacing the Main Board (p.139), Replacing ControllerBoard (p. 141) and see removesolenoid on Water Valve (p. 142).1342