26 Gateway ALR 7200R User’s Guide SupplementProtecting Your SystemAwareness is the key. You need to learn about the existence of viruses, howthey spread, and what to do to protect your system by reducing thelikelihood of virus contamination. The following may help:• Obtain an anti-virus program and make it a habit to scan thesystem regularly. These programs may be purchased from a localsoftware store or obtained via shareware on the Internet or onlineservice providers such as CompuServe, Prodigy, AOL, orDeltaNet.• Make backup copies of all files and write-protect the disks.• Obtain all software from reputable sources and always scan newsoftware for any viruses before installing files.If you suspect your system has been infected, you must find and remove theviruses immediately using an anti-virus program. Next, reboot your systemas follows: shut the system down, then turn it off for at least 15 secondsbefore turning it back on. This is the only way to ensure the virus does notremain in your system RAM.Virus PreventionWe stand by the integrity of our products. Our staff takes every precautionto ensure our files are free from viruses. These precautions include thefollowing:• We use McAfee VirusScan, a leading anti-virus software thatdetects and removes over 95% of known viruses and providescomprehensive protection including local and network drives, CD-ROMs, floppies, boot sectors, and partition tables. VirusScan alsoprovides advanced protection against unknown viruses. Wecontinuously update and use the most current version of McAfeeVirusScan on all of our products.• All master disks are write-protected and scanned at least twicebefore release.• Sample production disks are periodically scanned as an additionalquality check.