96Chapter 6: Troubleshootingwww.gateway.comTelephone supportBefore calling Gateway Technical SupportIf you have a technical problem with your server, follow theserecommendations before contacting Gateway Technical Support:■ Make sure that your server is connected correctly to a grounded AC outletthat is supplying power.■ If a peripheral device, such as a keyboard or mouse, does not appear towork, make sure that all cables are plugged in securely and plugged intothe correct port or jack.■ If you have recently installed hardware or software, make sure that youhave installed it following the instructions provided with it. If you did notpurchase the hardware or software from Gateway, see the manufacturer’sdocumentation and technical support resources.■ If you have “how to” questions about using a program, see:■ The program’s online Help■ The program’s documentation■ Your operating system’s documentation■ The software or hardware manufacturer’s Web site■ See “Troubleshooting” on page 102.■ Have your client ID, serial number (located on the back of your server case),and order number available, along with a detailed description of your issue,including the exact text of any error messages, and the steps you havetaken.■ Make sure that your server is nearby at the time of your call. The technicianmay have you follow appropriate troubleshooting steps.■ Consider using Gateway’s Internet technical support. Gateway’s Web sitehas FAQs, tips, and other technical help. You can also use the Web site toe-mail Technical Support. For more information, visit Gateway’s TechnicalSupport Web site at support.gateway.com.