36 Oregon 650 Owner's ManualEN activity when you transfer it to GarminConnect.Setting Your Fitness User ProfileThe device uses information that you enterabout yourself to calculate accurate data.You can modify the following user profileinformation: gender, age, weight, height, andlifetime athlete (page 36).1 Select Setup > Fitness > User.2 Modify the settings.About Lifetime AthletesA lifetime athlete is an individual who hastrained intensely for many years (with theexception of minor injuries) and has a restingheart rate of 60 beats per minute (bpm) orless.Marking Laps by DistanceYou can use Auto Lap® to automatically markthe lap at a specific distance. This feature ishelpful for comparing your performance overdifferent parts of an activity.1 Select Setup > Fitness > Auto Lap.2 Enter a value, and select .Marine SettingsSelect Setup > Marine.Marine Chart Mode: Sets the type ofchart the device uses when displayingmarine data. Nautical displays variousmap features in different colors so themarine POIs are more readable and sothe map reflects the drawing scheme ofpaper charts. Fishing (requires marinemaps) displays a detailed view of bottomcontours and depth soundings andsimplifies map presentation for optimaluse while fishing.Appearance: Sets the appearance ofmarine navigation aids on the map.Marine Alarm Setup: Sets alarms for whenyou exceed a specified drift distance whileanchored, when you are off course by aspecified distance, and when you enterwater of a specific depth.Setting Up Marine Alarms1 Select Setup > Marine > Marine AlarmSetup.2 Select an alarm type.3 Select On.