32 Oregon 650 Owner's ManualEN Guidance Text: Sets when the guidancetext is shown on the map.Map Speed: Adjusts the speed at whichthe map is drawn. A faster map drawingspeed decreases the battery life.Advanced Map SettingsSelect Setup > Map > Advanced Setup.Detail: Sets the amount of detail shown onthe map. Showing more detail may causethe map to redraw more slowly.Shaded Relief: Shows detail relief on themap (if available) or turns off shading.Vehicle: Sets the position icon, whichrepresents your position the map. Thedefault icon is a small blue triangle.Zoom Controls: Sets the auto zoom andthe location of the buttons in portrait orlandscape mode.Zoom Levels: Adjusts the zoom level atwhich map items will appear. The mapitems will not appear when the map zoomlevel is higher than the selected level.Text Size: Sets the text size for map items.Tracks SettingsSelect Setup > Tracks.Record Method: Sets a track recordingmethod. Auto records the tracks ata variable rate to create an optimumrepresentation of your tracks.Interval: Sets a track log recording rate.Recording points more frequently createsa more-detailed track, but fills the tracklog faster.Auto Archive: Sets an automatic archivemethod to organize your tracks. Tracksare saved and cleared automatically.Auto Pause: Pauses tracking automaticallywhen you stop moving.Auto Start: Starts recording a trackautomatically when the device hasacquired satellites.Output Format: Allows you to choose theformat for recording a track log. GPXformat is a traditional track that can beviewed on the device map and used fornavigation. Tracks are reviewed usingTrack Manager. FIT format is a fitnessactivity that records additional information(for example, laps). Activities can be