Oregon 650 Owner's Manual 21ENsensor, and tempe™ wireless temperaturesensor. You can customize a data field todisplay sensor data.1 Bring the device within range (3 m) of thesensor.NOTE: Stay 10 m away from other ANT+sensors while pairing.2 Select Setup > ANT Sensor.3 Select your sensor.4 Select Search for new.When the sensor is paired with yourdevice, the sensor status changes fromSearching to Connected.Tips for Pairing ANT+ Accessorieswith Your Garmin Device• Verify that the ANT+ accessory iscompatible with your Garmin device.• Before you pair the ANT+ accessory withyour Garmin device, move 10 m (32.9 ft.)away from other ANT+ accessories.• Bring the Garmin device within range 3 m(10 ft.) of the ANT+ accessory.• After you pair the first time, your Garmindevice automatically recognizes the ANT+accessory each time it is activated. Thisprocess occurs automatically when youturn on the Garmin device and only takesa few seconds when the accessories areactivated and functioning correctly.• When paired, your Garmin devicereceives data from only your accessory,and you can go near other accessories.About Heart Rate ZonesMany athletes use heart rate zones tomeasure and increase their cardiovascularstrength and improve their level of fitness. Aheart rate zone is a set range of heartbeatsper minute. The five commonly acceptedheart rate zones are numbered from 1 to 5according to increasing intensity. Generally,heart rate zones are calculated based onpercentages of your maximum heart rate.Fitness GoalsKnowing your heart rate zones can helpyou measure and improve your fitness byunderstanding and applying these principles.• Your heart rate is a good measure ofexercise intensity.