14.2 ELECTRICAL WIRINGThe GPS 100 power/data cable allows you to connect the unit to vehiclepower systems, other marine electronics, and a remote alarm/beeper. Theharness will plug into the connector located at the left rear corner of the GPS100.To connect to vehicle power systems...· Connect the RED harness lead (with fuse) to the positive (+) side ofa 12 or 24 volt DC power source.· Connect the BLACK harness lead to the negative (-) side of the 12 or24 volt DC power source.You may also power your GPS 100 using a 12 or 24 volt automobile typecigarette lighter by connecting a lighter adapter to the power/data cable.To connect lighter adapter...· Connect the RED harness lead to the positive (+) adapter lead.· Connect the BLACK harness lead to the negative (-) adapter lead.The GPS 100 will drive a remote alarm or relay that requires no more than100 milliamps of current. (WARNING: Devices which draw current in excessof 100 milliamperes may damage your unit and will void your warranty.Consult the instructions included with the remote alarm or relay for currentdrain information.)14-3