7.1 NAVIGATING USING ROUTESRoute 0 is called the active route and is the route used for navigation. Thewaypoint toward which you are navigating is called the “active to” waypoint.The waypoint immediately behind you is called the “active from” waypoint.The line defined by two consecutive waypoints in a route is called a “leg”. Theleg that connects the “active from” and “active to” waypoints is called the“active leg”.The GPS 100 features automatic leg selection which will select the routesegment closest to your position as the active leg. If you wish to navigate toa waypoint other than that chosen by the GPS 100, use the GOTO functionto choose the desired waypoint.The GPS 100 also features automatic leg sequencing. As you pass awaypoint in the route, the unit will automatically select the next waypoint asthe “active to” waypoint. If your speed is greater than 65 knots, the GPS 100will provide smooth steering around the turn.7-2BOUY9POINTBOUY7 BAY