When the selected alarm time has been reached, the GPS 100 willautomatically inform you with the message “ALARM CLOCK 1” or “ALARMCLOCK 2”.To cancel an alarm clock...· Press the CLR key to select “OFF” for the alarm clock.10.3 EVENT TIMERSTimeTimer SelectEVENT TIMER PAGEThe GPS 100 features two timers available on separate pages. Each can beused as either an elapsed timer or count down timer. These timers can beuseful for measuring the elapsed time since a certain event, or they can tellyou when a specified amount of time has expired.To set the count down timer...· Move the cursor over the cyclic field on line 3 and press the CLR keyuntil “COUNT DOWN” is displayed.· Enter the count down time in hours, minutes, and seconds. The cursorwill automatically move to “START?”.· With the cursor over “START?”, press the ENT key. The timer will startcounting down.When the count down timer reaches 0, you will be informed with the message“TIMER 1 EXPIRED” or “TIMER 2 EXPIRED”, and the count down timer willbegin to count up showing you the elapsed time since the timer has expired.You may stop the count down timer at any time. When stopped, the countdown time will freeze at its last value.To stop the count down timer...10-3