12-5When the recommended altitude is within 1000 feet of the final altitude, theGPS 100 will inform you with the message “ FINAL ALTITUDE ALERT”.12.5 CLOSEST POINT OF APPROACHThe closest point of approach feature, introduced in Section 7.6, allows youto create a waypoint on the path of a route that is directly abeam a referencewaypoint of interest such as a navigation aid. This feature will help you locateyour position relative to known points nearby your route.Suppose you are navigating around the coastline of a point with a lighthouseas illustrated above. You need to know when you pass abeam the lighthouseso that you can turn inland but, due to poor visibility, you cannot see thelighthouse. The CPA function will help you find your way!First, create a waypoint with the position of the lighthouse (this informationshould be available on your map or chart). Go to the CPA page, enter theroute number (0 if it is your active route) and the name of the waypointrepresenting the lighthouse.BOUY7LTHSOOUTLT25°5.9 NMLTHSE