a GOTO operation or activation of a new route.OFFSET NAV IN EFFECT - Offset navigation mode is in effect.OFST TOO BIG FOR RTE - The parallel track distance is too large for theactive route.OSC NEEDS ADJUSTMENT - The GPS 100 has detected excessive driftin its internal crystal oscillator which may result in longer acquisition time.The unit should be taken to an authorized GARMIN service center as soonas possible.POOR GPS COVERAGE - The GPS 100 cannot acquire sufficient satellitesnecessary to provide navigation.PWR DOWN AND RE-INIT - The GPS 100 is unusable until power has beencycled and the unit re-initialized. Questionable initialization data may havebeen entered on the Initialization Page or abnormal satellite conditions mayexist.PROX ALARM-PRESS NAV - Your craft has penetrated the alarm circle ofa proximity waypoint. Press the NAV key to view your position relative to theproximity waypoint.PROXIMITY OVERLAP - The circles defined by two proximity waypointsoverlap. When entering the area of the overlap, the GPS 100 will alarm youof the closest proximity waypoint, but not both. You should be certain thiscondition is desirable.READY FOR NAVIGATION - The GPS 100 is ready for navigation.RECEIVER FAILED - The GPS 100 has detected a failure in the receiverhardware. If the message persists, the GPS 100 is unusable and should betaken to an authorized GARMIN service center.ROM FAILED - The GPS 100 has detected a failure in its permanentmemory. If this message occurs, the unit is unusable and should be takento an authorized GARMIN service center.ROUTE IS FULL - An attempt has been made to add more than 9 waypointsto a route. The GPS 100 will not allow more than 9 waypoints per route.ROUTE IS NOT EMPTY - An attempt has been made to copy a route to a13-3