52AppendixLocation CoordinatesSet NewLocationDialogEdit LocationWindowAddressLocation PageEditing or Assigning Location CoordinatesNo matter where you are on the surface of the earth, there is an exactdescription for your current location, called a location coordinate. A lo-cation coordinate is the description for any specific location on the earthdetermined by one of the many types of Location Formats.When you save any QueMap or QueFind item as a Waypoint, loca-tion coordinates are automatically assigned using information containedin the mapping database either stored in your unit or on the SecureDigital Card. Those locations will be displayed in the format set by thefactory default settings or the format you have set using the preferencessettings for Location Format for Que applications.When you assign a location to an entry in the Address Book, one ofthe options is “Manual”, which allows you to enter location coordinatesfor the Address Book entry, if you know what they are.