8Que ApplicationsQueMapUsing QueMapThe QueMap displays a detailed map of the area surroundingyour current location. It allows you to pan the map with thestylus as well as view your progress when navigating. Yourcurrent location is shown as a solid black arrow. When in the“Track Up” mode, a north reference arrow appears at the top leftcorner to orient the map. When the Track Log feature is active,your path of movement is indicated by a dotted Track line.Use QueMap to:• Determine your current location and view your movement• Locate and navigate to nearby map items• Follow a route line when navigating• Highlight and view information about locations on the mapTo Display the QueMap Application:1. Press the Que “Hard” button on the front of the handheld todisplay QueMap.Or: Use the Applications Launcher and tap the QueMap icon todisplay the ‘Map Page.Viewing the Map PageThe Map Page is the primary screen of the QueMap application. Fromthis page you can observe a triangular arrow that indicates your currentlocation and direction of travel. As you move, the arrow moves with you,turning when you turn and stopping when you stop.Map Scale(ZoomScale)SelectorView AreaSelectorPosition ArrowiconInformationiconWaypoint Flag(Mark Locationicon)DisplayFormaticonPan Mapwith StylusMapOrientation(Track Up)Map Scaleand origin ofmap dataCurrentlocationicon