5Que ApplicationsQueGPSAcquiringSatellitesMessage2D GPSLocationStatusGPS Receiver StatusThe GPS Receiver can be in three states: On, Off, or Acquiring(searching for) Satellites.To determine the GPS Status:1. Open the QueGPS page.2. Observe the message in the top of the window.• When GPS is On and searching for satellite signals, themessage “Acquiring Satellites” appears.• When enough satellite signals are being received to establish3D a location fix, “3D GPS Location” is displayed.• When WAAS satellite signals are being received and a 3Dlocation fix is established, “3D Differential GPS Location” isdisplayed.• When only enough satellite signals are being received todetermine a 2D location fix, “2D GPS Location” is displayed.• When the Antenna is closed and the GPS is Off, “GPS is Off” isdisplayed.IMPORTANT: Remember that whenever the antenna is not inthe fully closed position, the GPS receiver is operating.The GPS receiver can, from time to time, lose satellite signals dueto interference from tree cover, buildings, etc., so monitoring the GPSstatus in QueGPS from time to time is recommended. If you don’t wantthe GPS Receiver On, and particularly when indoors, keep the antennaclosed.