Chapter 3. Installation and Start-up: Rack-based and RX7i Embedded InterfaceGFK-2224Q January 2017 29Direct Connection to the PACSystems Ethernet InterfaceConnection of Ethernet devices directly to the Ethernet Interface is shown below:10/10010/10010BaseT/100Base TxTwisted Pair CableOther Ethernetdevices such as PCs,Ethernet Interfaceson other PLCs,Operator InterfacesEthernetInterfaceFigure 12: Direct Connection to the Embedded Ethernet Ports3.4 Station Manager PortThe RX7i and rack-based RX3i Ethernet interfaces provide a dedicated RS-232 serial port for local StationManager use. This nine-pin D connector accepts a standard straight-through nine-pin RS-232 serial cable toconnect to a standard AT-style RS-232 port.The following cable is available:IC200CBL001 Cable, CPU ProgrammingPort SettingsThe serial (COM) port of the terminal or computer that is connected to the Ethernet Interface must use thesame communications parameters as the Ethernet Interface.The default values for the Station Manager port are 9600 bps, 8 bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit. If the EthernetInterface is configured with default values for this port, or the Ethernet Interface has not been configured, usethese default values. If the Ethernet Interface is configured with non-default values for this port, use thosevalues for the serial port settings of the terminal or computer.