Chapter 5. Ethernet Global DataGFK-2224Q January 2017 93Exchange Status Word Error CodesThe following table shows the error codes that can be written to the Exchange Status word in the Producer (P)and Consumer. The Exchange Status Word value for each exchange may be displayed via the STAT G StationManager command.Value(Dec.) P/C Error Description0 P/CNo new statusevent hasoccurred.Produced: Initial value until the first producer period refresh occurs.Consumed: The data has not been refreshed since the previousconsumption scan and the consumer timeout has not expired.1 P No errorcurrently exists.The exchange is producing data.This value should be ignored in the Output Disabled PLC modes.1 C No error, dataconsumed. The data has been refreshed on schedule since the previous consumption.3 C SNTP error.The Ethernet Interface in the producer is configured for network timesynchronization, but is not synchronized to an SNTP server. The data wasrefreshed on schedule.4 P/C Specificationerror.During exchange configuration, an invalid configuration parameter wasreceived by the Ethernet Interface or an error occurred in communicationwith the PLC CPU.5 C Stale or invaliddata sampleThe producer has indicated that the data sent was stale or otherwise notvalid at the time it was produced.6 C Refresh timeoutwithout data.The exchange’s timeout period is configured to a non-zero value and thedata has not been refreshed within the timeout period.7 C Data afterrefresh timeout.The data has been refreshed since the previous consumption, but notwithin the timeout period.10 P/CIP Layer notcurrentlyinitialized.This status can be set during exchange configuration12 if the EthernetInterface detects that it cannot currently access a network. Thistemporary status can change if successful network access becomespossible.12 P/C Lack of resourceerror.Local resources are not available to establish the exchange duringexchange configuration12. The PLC Fault Table may provide more detail onthe specific error.14 C Data sizemismatch errorThe data size of a consumed exchange does not match the exchangedefinition. The exchange is ignored.18 P/C Loss of EthernetInterface errorThis error can occur if the CPU no longer recognizes the Ethernet Interfacewithin the PLC rack. A loss of module PLC Fault Table entry will also bepresent. The error can also occur if the module in the given slot of the PLCrack does not match the module specified in the configuration(configuration mismatch).30 C Major signaturemismatchProducer and consumer signatures are different, indicating a mismatchedconfiguration. The exchange is ignored.Note: PACSystems does not support EGD exchange status values 16, 22, 26 and 28. Theseexchange status values were used in Series 90 products only.12 Exchange configuration occurs when either 1) Hardware Configuration containing EGD is stored to the PLC,2) a PLC containing EGD configuration powers up, or 3) an Ethernet Interface configured for EGD is restarted.