Chapter 11. RX7i PLC Monitoring Via the WebGFK-2224Q January 2017 205Changing the PasswordThe default FTP password is “system”. You can change the FTP password via a parameter in the AUP file, whichis stored to the PLC via the programmer, or by using the Station Manager.Changing the Password from the Advanced User Parameters FileThe following line should be added to the AUP file to change the FTP password (for example, to “my_ftp_pw”):tpassword = my_ftp_pwChanging the Password from the Station ManagerIn addition, you can change the FTP password (for example to “my_ftp_pw”) using the following StationManager command:= CHPARM tpassword my_ftp_pwThe FTP password can be up to 10 characters long and uses the same character set listed for the referenceviewer password described later in this document. These passwords are not case sensitive.Arguments for Station Manager CHPARM command must be enclosed in double quotes to preserve thecapitalization of the argument. However since these passwords are case insensitive, the double quotes are notrequired.Note: The CHPARM command is not available if the PLC has received a valid configuration from theProgrammer.Web Page File TransferAfter logging into the PLC’s FTP server, web page files can be copied from the PC to the PLC through thefollowing steps:1. Set the FTP file transfer type to binary by typing in “binary”2. For each file, change to the desired directory if appropriate by typing “cd ./subdirectory”. Then transfer thefile using the “put” command by typing: “put filename.htm”3. Verify all files are properly transferred by typing in: “dir” or “ls”. This returns a list of the files located at thecurrent directory on the PLC Ethernet Interface4. Quit the FTP session by typing in “quit” or “bye”.If you copy a file that already exists in the module, the new file overwrites the existing file without warning. Oneof the files stored will be a fault string file that will be specific for each language supported.The PLC FTP server also supports the following standard FTP commands:▪ “get” command - allows the user to transfer files from the PLC web server to their local PC (for example“get filename1.htm”).▪ “delete” command – allows user to delete web pages from the server (for example “delete filename1.htm”).