IMPORTANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONS.READALLINSTRUCTIONSBEFOREUSING.WARNING!SAFETYPRECAUTIONSDo not use water on grease fires. Never pick up a flaming pan. Smother flaming pan by coveringpan completely with well-fitting lid, cookie sheet or flat tray. Flaming grease outside a pan can beput out by covering with baking soda or, if available, a multi-purpose dry chemical or foam-typefire extinguisher.Do not cover or block any openingsIt CAUTION:,ter.s of interest to on the appliance.children should not be stored in cabinetsabove an oven; children climbing on theoven to reach items could be seriouslyinjured.Teach children not to play xdth thecontrols or any other part of thecooking centeri,arge scratches or impacts to glass doorcarl lead to broken or shattered glass.Wear proper clothing. Loose-fitting orhan_ng garments should never be wornwhile using the appliance. Hammablematerial could be i_dted if brought incontact with hot heating elements andmay cause severe bums.Use only d U pot holders--moist or damppot holders on hot surfaces may result inburns flom steam. Do not let pot holdersmuch hot heating elements. Do not use arowel or other bulky cloth. Such cloths carlcatch fire on a hot element.Always keep dish towels, dishcloths, potholders and other linens a s_e distanceflom your oven.Always keep wooden spoons and plasticutensils and canned food a s_e distancem_,ayflom your oven.Always keep combustible wall coverings,curtains or drapes a s_e distance fromyour overl.Do not store flammable material in anoven or near the cooking centerFor your s_ety, never use your appliancefk_rwamdng or heating the room.Do not leave paper products, cookingutensils or fk)od in the oven when notin use.Do not store or use combustible materials,gasoline or other flammable vapors andliquids in the x,icinity of this or any otherappliance.Do not let cooking _ease or otherflammable materials accumulate in ornear the cooking centerDo not touch heating elements or inmfiorsurf`ace of the oven. These surfaces may behot enough to burn even though they aredark in color- During and _ter use, do nottouch, or let clothing or other flammablematerials contact any interior area of theoven; allow sutticient time f_r cooling first.Potentially hot surf`aces include oven ventopenings, surf`aces near the openings, andcrex,ices around the oven door:iiiiiiiiiiiii!REMEMBER:The inside surf`ace of theoven may be hot when the door is opened.Never place cooking umnsils or any otheritems on the oven floor. There is a heatingelement beneath the oven floor- Placingitems on the oven floor may cause theoven to overheat, resulting in damagem the oven and risk of damage or fireto cabinets.COOKMEATANDPOULTRYTHOROUGHLY...Cookmeat and poultry thoreughly--meat to at least an INTERNALtemperatureof 160°Fand poultryto at least an INTERNALtemperatureof 180°ECookingto these temperaturesusua//yprotects againstfoodbomeillness.4 SAVE THESEINSTRUCTIONS