G60 GENERATOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL A-1G60 Generator Protection SystemAppendix A: FlexAnalog operandsAppendicesFlexAnalog operandsThis appendix outlines FlexAnalog parameters.A.1 FlexAnalog itemsA FlexAnalog parameter is an analog parameter.FlexAnalog items are also viewable in a web browser. Enter the IP address of the UR, access the Device Information Menuoption, then the FlexAnalog Parameter Listing option. Entries displayed online depend on order code.Table A-1: FlexAnalog data itemsAddress FlexAnalog name Units Description5728 Stator Diff Iad Amps Stator differential phase A current (Iad)5730 Stator Rest Iar Amps Stator restraint phase A current (Iar)5732 Stator Diff Ibd Amps Stator differential phase B current (Ibd)5734 Stator Rest Ibr Amps Stator restraint phase B current (Ibr)5736 Stator Diff Icd Amps Stator differential phase C current (Icd)5738 Stator Rest Icr Amps Stator restraint phase C current (Icr)5740 Stator Diff CT Prim. Volts Stator differential CT primary5744 Stator Gnd Vn 3rd Volts Stator ground Vn third harmonic voltage5746 Stator Gnd Vn+V0 3rd Volts Stator ground Vn+V0 third harmonic voltage5748 Stator Gnd V0 3rd Volts Stator ground V0 third harmonic voltage5752 Sh Injection Voltage Volts Subharmonic injection voltage5754 Sh Injection Current Amps Subharmonic injection current5756 Stat Gnd Resistance Ohms Stator ground resistance5759 SH Current Angle Degrees Subharmonic injection current angle5760 Sns Dir Power 1 Watts Sensitive directional power 1 actual value5762 Sns Dir Power 2 Watts Sensitive directional power 2 actual value5792 RGF 1 Igd Mag Amps Restricted ground fault 1 differential ground current magnitude5794 RGF 1 Igr Mag Amps Restricted ground fault 1 restricted ground current magnitude5796 RGF 2 Igd Mag Amps Restricted ground fault 2 differential ground current magnitude5798 RGF 2 Igr Mag Amps Restricted ground fault 2 restricted ground current magnitude5800 RGF 3 Igd Mag Amps Restricted ground fault 3 differential ground current magnitude