CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUPG60 GENERATOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-415RESET UNAUTH ACCESS — Resets the access restriction counter.Selected records can be cleared from user-programmable conditions with FlexLogic operands. Assigning user-programmable pushbuttons to clear specific records is a typical application for these commands. Since the G60 respondsto rising edges of the configured FlexLogic operands, they must be asserted for at least 50 ms to take effect.Clearing records with user-programmable operands is not protected by the command password. However, user-programmable pushbuttons are protected by the command password. Thus, if they are used to clear records, the user-programmable pushbuttons can provide extra security if required.For example, to assign user-programmable pushbutton 1 to clear demand records, apply the following settings.1. Assign the clear demand function to pushbutton 1 by making the following change in the SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP CLEAR RELAY RECORDS menu:CLEAR DEMAND: “PUSHBUTTON 1 ON”2. Set the properties for user-programmable pushbutton 1 by making the following changes in the SETTINGS PRODUCTSETUP USER-PROGRAMMABLE PUSHBUTTONS USER PUSHBUTTON 1 menu:PUSHBUTTON 1 FUNCTION: “Self-reset”PUSHBTN 1 DROP-OUT TIME: “0.20 s”5.3.5 Communications5.3.5.1 MenuSETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS CLEAR DATA LOGGER:OffRange: FlexLogic operand CLEAR DEMAND:OffRange: FlexLogic operand CLEAR ENERGY:OffRange: FlexLogic operand RESET UNAUTH ACCESS:OffRange: FlexLogic operand CLEAR DIR I/O STATS:OffRange: FlexLogic operandVisible only for units with Direct I/O module COMMUNICATIONS SERIAL PORTSSee below NETWORKSee page 5-43 IPv4 ROUTE TABLESee page 5-48 MODBUS PROTOCOLSee page 5-51 PROTOCOLSee page 5-52 DNP PROTOCOLSee page 5-53 DNP / IEC104 POINT LISTSSee page 5-56 IEC 61850 PROTOCOLAccess in EnerVistaSee page 5-57