CHAPTER 6: ACTUAL VALUES PRODUCT INFORMATIONG60 GENERATOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 6-336The order code, serial number, Ethernet MAC address, date and time of manufacture, and operating time are shown here.The rear panel on the device contains similar information.ETHERNET MAC ADDRESS — UR devices with firmware 7.0x and above have three Ethernet ports that can be used on threenetworks. The MAC address displays for port 1. The MAC address for port 2 is one higher. The MAC address for port 3 is onehigher than port 2. In redundant mode, the MAC addresses for ports 2 and 3 are the same as port Firmware revisions6.6.2.1 Enhanced and standard front panelsACTUAL VALUES PRODUCT INFO FIRMWARE REVISIONSThe shown data is illustrative only. A modification file number of 0 indicates that, currently, no modifications have beeninstalled. Graphical front panelACTUAL VALUES PRODUCT INFO FIRMWARE REVISIONS OPERATING TIME:0:00:00Range: operating time in HH:MM:SS PMU FEATURE ACTIVE:NoRange: Yes, No CT/ VT ADVANCED DIAGACTIVE: NoRange: Yes, No LAST SETTING CHANGE:1970/01/01 23:11:19Range: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS FIRMWARE REVISIONS G60 RelayREVISION: 7.6xRange: 0.00 to 655.35Revision number of the application firmware. MODIFICATION FILENUMBER: 0Range: 0 to 65535 (ID of the MOD FILE)Value is 0 for each standard firmware release. BOOT PROGRAMREVISION: 7.01Range: 0.00 to 655.35Revision number of the boot program firmware. FRONT PANEL PROGRAMREVISION: 2.01Range: 0.00 to 655.35Revision number of front panel program firmware. COMPILE DATE:2016/09/15 04:55:16Range: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SSDate and time when product firmware was built. BOOT DATE:2013/09/15 16:41:32Range: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SSDate and time when the boot program was built. FPGA PROGRAMREVISION: 02.02Range: 0.00 to 655.35Revision number for FPGA. FPGA DATE:2016/09/15 16:41:32Range: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SSDate and time when the FPGA was built. FIRMWARE REVISIONS G60 RelayREVISION: 7.6xRange: 0.00 to 655.35Revision number of the application firmware. MODIFICATION FILENUMBER: 0Range: 0 to 65535 (ID of the MOD FILE)Value is 0 for each standard firmware release. BOOT PROGRAMREVISION: 7.01Range: 0.00 to 655.35Revision number of the boot program firmware. COMPILE DATE:2017/06/15 04:55:16Range: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SSDate and time when product firmware was built.