11Communicationprotocol settingRe-transmissionoutput type settingRe-transmissionoutput scaling baseside settingRe-transmissionoutput scaling spanside settingRemote SV inputzero adjustmentRemote SV inputspan adjustmentRemote SV inputfilter constantRemote SV inputvalue displayParameter maskSwitches communication protocolsbetween Modbus and ASCIISets the type of signals to be outputtedfrom re-transmission output.Re-transmission output scaling settingon the base sideRe-transmission output scaling on thespan sideShifts the zero point of input value.Shifts the span point of input value.Sets the filter constant of remote SVinput value.Displays remote SV input value.Sets whether or not to display eachparameter.0 : Z-ASCII1 : Modbus (RTU)Setting range0 : PV / 1 : SV / 2 : MV/ 3 : DV ( * : 0)Setting range-100.0 to 100.0% (*: 0.0)Setting range-100.0 to 100.0% (*: 100.0)-50 to 50%FS (*: 0)-50 to 50%FS (*: 0)0.0 to 900.0 seconds (*: 0.0)-0 to 255 (*: specified by customerwhile ordering)dP13-2dP13-4dP13-4dP13-4dP13-16dP13-16dP13-16dP13-16– 787273747475757677Parameterdisplay symbolUser’sset value ReferencepageParameter name Description Setting range and factorydefault setting (*) Parametermask DSPNote: The parameters for which * is marked with the page number inReference page are related to Remedies of “4” on page 79.www. .com information@itm.com1.800.561.8187